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【澳门太阳网】170美元的设备即可破解iPhone密码 最快仅需6秒!

作者:澳门太阳网  发布时间:2024-04-19 02:16  浏览:
本文摘要:Amid all of the current talk about whether government law enforcement agencies should be able to legally force Apple to unlock an iPhone to look for evidence, there is a machine available now at Londons Fone Fun Shop that will find the four-digit passcode used to lock down an iPhone. And this device costs only $170.当人们还在辩论政府执法人员机构被迫苹果公司关卡iPhone手机来找寻证据的不道德否合法,伦敦的Fone Fun商店却开始出售一种能密码iPhone四位锁住屏密码的设备,售价仅有170美元。

Amid all of the current talk about whether government law enforcement agencies should be able to legally force Apple to unlock an iPhone to look for evidence, there is a machine available now at Londons Fone Fun Shop that will find the four-digit passcode used to lock down an iPhone. And this device costs only $170.当人们还在辩论政府执法人员机构被迫苹果公司关卡iPhone手机来找寻证据的不道德否合法,伦敦的Fone Fun商店却开始出售一种能密码iPhone四位锁住屏密码的设备,售价仅有170美元。Fone Fun Shop director Mark Strachan says that this machine was developed to help iPhone owners get to their photos or contacts in a locked iPhone with a forgotten passcode. Discovered in Hong Kong, Strachan says that they were at first skeptical that the device would work. But over time, the tool has proven itself over and over again.店长马克·斯特罗恩说道,研发这种设备目的协助那些记得自己锁住屏密码的iPhone用户转入被锁住在手机上的照片或通讯录。


The so-called IP-BOX will work on iPhones running iOS 7 and older. It takes 6 seconds to 17 hours hours to crack the four-digit passcode. The Daily Mail purchased the device and cracked the code on an Apple iPhone 5c in 6 hours. A version that will work on iPhones running iOS 9 will be available later this month. 这台叫作IP-BOX的设备可以密码运营iOS 7或者更加杨家版本的iPhone,一般来说它必须6秒到17小时来密码iPhone的四位锁住屏密码。英国《每日邮报》出售了这台设备,并在6小时内密码了苹果iPhone 5c的锁屏密码。

该密码密码设备运营在iOS 9系统上的版本将不会在本月晚些时候经常出现。Strachan says that he believes that the IP-BOX uses the same method employed by the FBI to unlock the iPhone 5c used by Syed Farook, without Apples help. The FBI is now offering to help other law enforcement agencies seeking to unlock an iPhone, iPad or Apple iPod touch. Apple is trying to discover how the FBI unlocked the phone so that it can issue a software update to close the vulnerability.斯特罗恩回应,他指出IP-BOX运用了和FBI没经过苹果公司的协助而密码塞义德·法鲁克iPhone 5c完全相同的技术。现在FBI早已开始向其他执法人员部门获取协助关卡iPhone,iPad或者iPod Touch的方法。



