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‘澳门太阳网’苹果手表Apple Watch销量下滑过半

作者:澳门太阳网  发布时间:2024-10-22 02:16  浏览:
本文摘要:Sales of the Apple Watch more than halved in the second quarter, with new figures from researcher IDC suggesting chief executive Tim Cook’s first significant product is failing to live up to expectations.Apple Watch第二季度的销量下降了一半以上。

Sales of the Apple Watch more than halved in the second quarter, with new figures from researcher IDC suggesting chief executive Tim Cook’s first significant product is failing to live up to expectations.Apple Watch第二季度的销量下降了一半以上。研究公司IDC的新数据指出,苹果公司(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)离任以来发售的首款最重要产品或有负众望。The sharp decline is highly unusual for a new Apple product so early in its life and will compound Wall Street concerns about the company’s overall growth prospects this year.对于一款刚刚发售旋即的苹果新产品而言,销量急遽下降的情况十分少见。这将使华尔街对该公司今年整体快速增长前景的忧虑更进一步加剧。

The iPhone posted nine years of uninterrupted growth from its launch in 2007 until the first quarter of this year, when unit sales fell 16 per cent to 51m.自从2007年面世后,iPhone的销量倒数9年维持快速增长,直到今年第一季度销量下降16%至5100万部。IDC said yesterday that Apple sold 1.6m of its watches in the second quarter of 2016, down 55 per cent compared with 3.6m in the same period last year. The drop dragged down the entire smartwatch market despite rapid growth from Samsung, up 51 per cent to 0.6m watches, and Lenovo’s Motorola brand, up 75 per cent to 0.3m.IDC昨天回应,2016年第二季度苹果共计卖出160万块Apple Watch,与去年同期360万块比起下降了55%。Apple Watch销量下降拖垮了整个智能手表市场,尽管三星(Samsung)以及误解(Lenovo)旗下摩托罗拉(Motorola)品牌的智能手表销量都大幅度快速增长,前者快速增长了51%至60万块,后者快速增长了75%至30万块。“Despite a down quarter, Apple remains far and away the market leader in smartwatches,” said IDC analyst Ramon Llamas, with traditional watchmakers such as Casio, Fossil and Tag Heuer’s recent attempts to break into the wearable-tech market making only a limited impact.“尽管季度销量下降,但是苹果在智能手表市场依然遥遥领先,”IDC分析师雷蒙利亚马斯(Ramon Llamas)称之为。

卡西欧(Casio)、Fossil以及豪雅(TAG Heuer)等传统手表制造商最近尝试打进可穿着科技市场的行径只带给了受限的影响。“Every vendor faces similar challenges related to fashion and functionality, and though we expect improvements next year, growth in the remainder of 2016 will probably be muted,” Mr Llamas added.“每个厂商都面对着与时尚和功能性涉及的类似于挑战,尽管我们预计明年不会有所改善,但是2016年接下来的快速增长可能会上升,”利亚马斯补足称之为。Apple has not released any sales figures for the Apple Watch since it first went on sale in April 2015.自从Apple Watch于2015年4月上市以来,苹果未曾发布过任何有关该产品的销售数据。

Analysts have estimated that it sold 12m units in its first year, more than the iPhone during its initial 12 months on sale, but below many observers’ initial expectations for the first launch into a new hardware category since Mr Cook took over as Apple’s chief executive.分析师预计,Apple Watch在上市第一年的销量为1200万块,多达了iPhone在上市头12个月的销量,但是未超过很多市场观察者对库克接替苹果CEO之后发售的首款新的硬件产品的预期。Apple declined to comment on IDC’s figures, ahead of its earnings report next week.苹果拒绝接受就IDC的数据置评。该公司将于下周发布财报。The Apple Watch, a revamped Apple TV and new Apple Music service have so far failed to offset the declines in iPhone and iPad sales, which Tuesday’s figures are expected to show have continued in recent months.迄今为止,Apple Watch、新款Apple TV以及新的发售的Apple Music服务都没能填补iPhone和iPad的销量下降——下周二发布的数据预计将表明最近数月这两款产品销量之后下降。


