China continued to see a booming mobile app market in the first half of this year with over 4.02 million mobile apps.今年上半年,我国移动应用于市场之后快速增长,移动应用于数量已超强402万款。Mobile games boasted the largest number of apps with 1.17 million as of the end of June, followed by daily life services and e-commerce, according to a report released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.工信部的一份报告表明,截至6月底,移动游戏类应用于超过117万款,是数量最少的类别,其次是日常生活服务类应用于和电子商务类应用于。
Mobile system tools were the most downloaded apps, followed by games and video- and audio-playing apps.移动系统工具是iTunes次数最少的应用于,其次是游戏类应用于和影音播出类应用于。The report also showed that Chinese above-scale firms in the internet sector and related industries raked in 284.3 billion yuan in H1, up 24.9% year-on-year.报告还表明,今年上半年,我国规模以上互联网及其涉及企业业务收入约2843亿元,同比快速增长24.9%。
E-commerce platforms were the biggest winners, reporting total revenue of 107.4 billion yuan, up 42.9% year-on-year.电子商务平台是仅次于赢家,共计构建营收1074亿元,同比快速增长42.9%。The latest report from the China Internet Network Information Center showed that China had about 751 million netizens and 724 million mobile Internet users as of the end of June.来自中国互联网络信息中心的近期报告表明,截至6月底,我国网民数量约7.51亿,其中手机网民7.24亿。